Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Cupar Old Cupar Old Parish Church Snowdrops


Planning and co-ordination of the activites of the Kirk Session are organised by a number of Workgroups:

Children & Youth: Conveners Jacqui Caldwell & Eleanor Barbour

Communication & Resources: Convener Frances McBride

Education Forum: Conveners Elspeth Smith & Brian Porteous

Outreach: Convener vacant

Pastoral Care: Convener Jill Logan

Worship: Convener Janice Geddes

This Week

Latest News

Cupar Cluster - Events This Week

Here are some events in the Cupar Cluster of Churches which comprises Cupar Old Parish Church linked with Monimail,... read more

Volunteers: Opportunities to Serve

Hospitality is a big part of our gatherings in the Old Parish Centre. Could you give some time to one of the many... read more