Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Snowdrops Cupar Old Parish Church Cupar Old

Memory Cafe

The Tuesday Memory Cafe, for people with dementia and their carers, takes place on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 2:00pm - 3:30pm in the lounge of the Old Parish Centre. The cafe has been running for about 10 years and offers a wide range of activities as well as information on dementia. It is a very sociable cafe and has been much enjoyed over the years. For further information contact Shena Porteous (01334 653561); and keep an eye on LATEST  NEWS.

This Week

Latest News

Cupar Cluster - Events This Week

Here are some events in the Cupar Cluster of Churches which comprises Cupar Old Parish Church linked with Monimail,... read more

Volunteers: Opportunities to Serve

Hospitality is a big part of our gatherings in the Old Parish Centre. Could you give some time to one of the many... read more