Justice & Peace
The Cupar and District Justice and Peace Group is an ecumenical group, with members from many congregations and none. We are a campaigning group, believing that to pray and campaign for justice and peace is part of our Christian witness in the world.
Among our specific concerns are environmental/climate issues, Israel/Palestine, poverty at home and abroad, and third world debt. We organise open meetings each year on relevant issues. Most recently these have included: the situation in Ukraine and the experiences of Ukrainians living in our community; the situation in Palestine and an election hustings where we asked candidates questions relevant to our interests. We keep ourselves informed by sharing information via What’s App and email groups and often join in campaigns led by other local or national groups.
We have links with the Fair Trade Group, who usually have a stall at our events, and we occasionally share a stall with them at public events.
For more information, contact: Celia Armitage tel: 01334 656611 or Rev Jeff Martin.