Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Cupar Old Parish Church Cupar Old Snowdrops


Rev Jeff Martin was inducted to the charge of Cupar Old linked with Monimail on 28th February 2016.

Jeff is from the United States, and was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Boonville, Missouri for 14 years until he moved to Scotland with his family. He was assistant minister in Duns, Berwickshire for 12 months as part of a familiarisation programme with the Church of Scotland, until his call to Cupar Old and Monimail.

This Week

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Cupar Cluster - Events This Week

Here are some events in the Cupar Cluster of Churches which comprises Cupar Old Parish Church linked with Monimail,... read more

United Worship: 23 February

Cupar Old will have a united worship service on Sunday 23 February, at 4:00pm iin the Old Parish Centre. There will be... read more