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Stamp Appeal

Posted on 13th Dec 2024

Help the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) improve nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, create youth employment and mitigate the impact of the climate crisis. The CCAP project, Firmly Planted, aims to establish self-sustaining tree nurseries to nurture and protect the environment and protect livelihoods for households and communities.

Please post your stamps in the letterbox in the church vestibule.

Moderator’s Challenge: Let Your Little Light Shine!

Posted on 7th Dec 2024

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Right Reverend Dr Shaw J Paterson, has invited people across Scotland to join in his Moderator's Challenge: to help fund solar power energy initiatives for students.

The Moderator's Challenge appeal will enable children in Malawi to do their homework and advance their education with the aid of small solar lights they can borrow from their school's ‘light library'.  It will also provide solar panels to enable PhD students at Zomba Theological University to study during the hours of darkness.

The Moderator was inspired to encourage people to support this challenge after his visit to Malawi in September where he saw the difficulties children faced in studying during the dark evenings without lights in their homes.  Daylight hours in sub-Saharan Africa are short and most children are forced to do their homework by the light of candles, kerosene lamps and fire.  Dr Paterson also witnessed first-hand power outages in Zomba Theological University and said the call to action fits the theme of his Moderatorial year, Building Together.

'I (witnessed) a real desire and enthusiasm for education and was so taken by the steps learners (of all ages) took in their thirst for knowledge,' Dr Paterson said.  The Let Your Little Light Shine initiative will allow '...everyone at whatever level they are at, to be encouraged and supported to take the next step on their journey through life."

You may donate online at: Let Your Little Light Shine Donations:


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