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Cupar Cluster - Events This Week

Posted on 20th Feb 2025

Here are some events in the Cupar Cluster of Churches which comprises Cupar Old Parish Church linked with Monimail, Ceres, Kemback and Springfield Church and Cupar St John's and Dairsie United Parish Church.

Friday 7 March, 2:00pm
World Day of Prayer, at St James Church

Saturday 8 March, 12:00-3:00pm
Community Cafe, in the Old Parish Centre

Sunday 9 March, 9:30am
Worship in Monimail

Sunday 9 March, 11:00am
Worship with Holy Communion, in the Cupar Old sanctuary

Sunday 9 March, 4:00pm
The Four Worship with Holy Communion and Sunday Club
in the Old Parish Centre
Members of the Prayer Team are available after the service for private prayer.

Sunday 9 March, 8:00pm
Prayer Team, via Zoom
Janice: janice.geddes2@btinternet.com

Monday 10 March, 10:00am-1:00pm
Monday Lunch, in the lounge in the Old Parish Centre

Tuesday 11 March, 10:00am-12:00pm
Kinship Care Support Group, St John's session room

Tuesday 11 March, 3:00pm
Worship at Pitlair House, led by Jeff Martin

Wednesday 12 March, 9:30am
Midweek Worship, in St John's main hall

Wednesday 12 March, 10:30am-1:30pm
Warm Welcome, a meal and a warm space in St John's main hall

Wednesday 12 March, 2:00pm
Worship at Lunardi, led by Cupar Baptist Church

Wednesday 12 March, 2:00pm
Craft Group, in the meeting room in the Old Parish Centre

Thursday 13 March, 10:00am
Coffee and Chat Outing, to Fairways at Elmwood
Jill: 07929 444 246

Thursday 13 March, 12:00-2:30pm
Thursday Lunch Date, Springfield Church

Thursday 13 March, 2:00-4:00pm
Busy Hands Craft Group, St John's main hall

Thursday 13 March, 6:00-8:00pm
Springfield Makers' Circle, a craft group in the Springfield Church


Volunteers: Opportunities to Serve

Posted on 7th Feb 2025

Hospitality is a big part of our gatherings in the Old Parish Centre. Could you give some time to one of the many exciting things that are happening?

We have fellowship time after the Sunday morning worship Sunday and could do with some help serving. This is on a rotation and would involve serving once every eight weeks. This includes making teas and coffees, serving biscuits and cleaning up after.

Coffee Tea Stock Photos, Images and ...

We have Warm Space lunches each Monday. We need people to make soup, toasties, serve at the front counter and help with washing up. 

In partnership with Community in Cupar, we also provide lunch each Saturday for the different nationalities that visit the centre. The food is provided by M&S and Lidl, and other donations. Tasks are similar to Monday Lunch.

If you'd like to join one of these serving teams, of if you would like more information, please contact Jean Martin: telephone 01334 652100 or email jeansmartin1968@gmail.com

This Week

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Cupar Cluster - Events This Week

Here are some events in the Cupar Cluster of Churches which comprises Cupar Old Parish Church linked with Monimail,... read more

Volunteers: Opportunities to Serve

Hospitality is a big part of our gatherings in the Old Parish Centre. Could you give some time to one of the many... read more