Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church

Saturday 14 December, 12:00-3:00pm

Community Cafe, in the Old Parish Centre

Sunday 15 December, 9:30am Worship in Monimail

Sunday 15 December, 11:00am Worship at Cupar Old, in the sanctuary A recording of the service will be available online at Monimail and Cupar Old

Sunday 15 December, 1:00pm Youth Puppet Group, recording session in the lounge and meeting room

Sunday 15 December, 4:00pm The Four Worship Service and Sunday Club, Old Parish Centre Members of the Prayer Team are available after the service for private prayer.

Sunday 15 December, 8:00pm Prayer Team, via Zoom Janice: janice.geddes2@btinternet.com

Monday 16 December, 10:00-2:00pm Monday Lunch: Volunteer Appreciation, in the lounge in the Old Parish Centre

Tuesday 17 December, 10:00-12:00 Kinship Care Support Group, St John’s session room

Tuesday 17 December Memory Cafe, in the lounge in the Old Parish Centre

Tuesday 17 December, 6:00pm Letham Primary School Nativity in the Monimail Church

Tuesday 17 December 6:00-7:00pm Lessons and Carols Choir rehearsal, in the meeting room in the Old Parish Centre

Wednesday 18 December, 9:30am Midweek Worship, in St John’s main hall

Wednesday 18 December, 10:30-1:30 Warm Welcome, a meal and a warm space in St John’s main hall

Thursday 19 December, 10:00-11:15 Coffee and Chat with Caroling, in the lounge in the Old Parish Centre

Thursday 19 December, 12:00-2:30pm Thursday Lunch Date, Springfield Church

Thursday 19 December, 2:00-4:00pm Busy Hands Craft Group, St John’s main hall

Thursday 19 December, 6:00-8:00pm Springfield Makers’ Circle, a craft group in the Springfield Church

Thursday 19 December, 7:00pm Lessons and Carols Service, in the sanctuary at Cupar Old

Saturday 21 December, 11:00am Walk to the Manger, beginning at St James,  including Caroling at Cupar Farmers’ Market