Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Cupar Old Parish Church The Old Parish Centre Cupar Old

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Memory Cafe: 17 September, 2:00

Posted on 12th Sep 2024

Our monthly Memory Cafe will start again on Tuesday 17 September, beginning at 2:00pm in the lounge.  This month, we'll use music of recent decades to prompt memories and stories.  Everyone is welcome, especially people with dementia and their carers.

Diary Dates

Posted on 7th Sep 2024

Sunday 29 September

Harvest Celebration - one united celebration at 4:00pm (no morning worship). Gifts for Cupar Food Bank will be received, monetary and non-perishable food items.


Sunday 3 November

All Saints Memorial during morning worship, followed by a time of fellowship. The Four service will include a prayer of remembrance for loved ones.

Sunday 10 November:

Remembrance Sunday. Community service at 10:45am; our morning service begins at 11:30am. The Four service will have a time of reflection for Remembrance Day.Sunday

Sunday 24 November

United Family Worship at 11:00am, with no afternoon worship

Sunday 15 December

Christmas Gift Services for Families First

This Week

Latest News

Guild: Wednesday 18 September

The first meeting of the new Guild season will be on Wednesday 18th September at 2:30pm in the lounge of the Old... read more

Coffee & Chat: Thursday 19 September

Coffee and Chat, in the lounge in the Old Parish Centre, 10:00am. Contact Jill: 07929 444246 read more