Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church

Sermon Replay

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Welcome to our website!


Welcome to the website of Cupar Old. Our aim, as God’s people in this place, is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, make his name and love known as widely as possible, and to seek to serve the community in which God has placed us. Our services combine the traditional with the contemporary and we seek to give a warm welcome to all visitors who come to worship with us. If you are in Cupar on a Sunday we would be delighted to see you.




Sunday 23rd March                                 


11:am         Morning Worship in the Sanctuary

                       Reading for Worship: John 10: 1-10,


4:00pm      The Four Worship and Sunday Club, in the 

                   Old Parish Centre


Members of the Prayer Team are available after the service for private prayer.



Click here to watch recordings of Cupar Old's services on our Youtube channel: 

Monimail and Cupar Old:





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The signup form can be found here

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